Spring Forward
Once again, it's been a while hasn't it? Apologies for the lack of posts in the last couple of weeks, life just gets pretty crazy sometimes doesn't it? But here we are, March 2016, and we're halfway already. March brings new life; it's the height of lambing season here in the UK, and as we look towards Easter, most of us are starting to enjoy some nice sunny, Spring weather. Since it's almost Easter, I thought I would share with you some of my favourite-and essential-Easter recipes, you really can't go wrong with an Easter treat. 1) Simnel Cake I love love love any type of fruit cake, and I also love marzipan so this cake is literally heaven for me! Simnel Cake is a fruit sponge, just like Christmas Cake, but the main and vital difference is that Simnel Cake has a layer of marzipan in the centre of the cake, and there's no whit icing, just a circle of marzipan to cover the top which is then topped with 11 marzipan balls, which represent the 11 Disc...